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Election Results


Find out more about the current Full Time Officers.

Election Results 2019

Eilidh Fulton, Moses Apiliga, Susan Docherty and Bethany Stevenson were elected as the Full Time Officers for 2019/20. A full breakdown of results is available here.

Election Results 2018

Rachel Simpson, Yetunde Beatrice Ogedengbe, Eilidh Fulton and Moses Apiliga were elected as the Full Time Officers for 2018/19. A full breakdown of results is available here.

The following individuals were elected unopposed to attend the NUS Scotland Conference as delegates: Rachel Ann Simpson, Fraser Knight, Yetunde Ogedengbe, Christopher Daisley, and Alan Adamson. The following individuals were elected to attend the NUS UK Conference as delegates: Rachel Ann Simpson, Fraser Knight, Yetunde Ogedengbe, and Abdullah Nasser A Alotaiq. A full breakdown of results is available here.

Election Results 2017

Kevin Campbell, Yetunde Beatrice Ogedengbe, Chris Daisley and Rachel Simpson were elected as the Full Time Officers for 2017/18. A full breakdown of results is available here.

The following delegates were elected to the NUS Scotland Conference: Kevin Campbell, Philip Coupe, Chris Daisley, David Hendry, Rachel Ann Simpson, Kayleigh Van dongen and Jodie Waite. There was one remaining vacancy reserved for a woman student (due to NUS gender balance rules) and this vacancy was filled by an election at the next meeting of Student Voice. Maja Jorgensen was elected as the final member of the delegation. The following delegates were elected to attend the NUS UK Conference: Evelyn Steele, Rachel Simpson, Kevin Campbell, Chris Daisley and Philip Coupe were elected as the remainining delegates.

Election Results 2016

The Full Time Officers elected were Lauren Ramage, Jodie Waite, Chris Daisley and Kevin Campbell. A full breakdown of results is available here.

The following candidates were elected to attend NUS UK Conference: Fraser Drylie, Jodie Waite, Kayleigh van Dongen and Mark Welsh. The following candidates were elected to attend NUS Scotland Conference: Fraser Drylie, Jodie Waite, Mark Welsh and Chris Daisley, Zainab Akhtar, Kayleigh van Dongen and Emma Duncan. As Student President, Michael Stephenson will also be part of these delegations. A full breakdown of the voting is available online.

Elections Results 2015

The Full Time Officers elected were Michael Stephenson, John Gaughan, Jodie Waite and Neil Alexander. Our delegates for NUS Scotland Conference were: Michael Stephenson, Athina Gouseti, Jill Stevens, Diletta Taris, Liam McCabe, Ekpeloodum Excellence Robert and John Gaughan. Our delegates for NUS UK Conference were: Michael Stephenson, Martha Brown, Liam McCabe and John Gaughan. Download the Election Results 2015.

Elections Results 2014

The Full Time Officers elected were:

  • Student President - Michael Stephenson

  • Vice President Education - Neill Clark

  • Vice President Wellbeing - Jack Johnston

  • Vice President Activities - Lee Goodfellow

Vice President Education By-Election

Between the 7th and 12th of July, a by-election was held to fill the position of Vice President Education. John Gaughan was the winning candidate and has taken on the role for the remainder of the current term of office.

Our delegates for NUS UK Conference were: Michael Stephenson, Sinead Wylie, Monika MacDonald, Danielle Borrett and Neill Clark. Our delegates for NUS Scotland Conference were: Matt Lamb (Student President automatically elected), John Gaughan, Michelle Healy, Monika MacDonald, Yazmin Mann, Alexander M Saki, Michael Stephenson and Jonathan Tomnay. Download the Election Results 2014.

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