GCU Students’ Association – a campaigning organisation
The Students’ Association is a campaigning organisation and our mission is to represent and enable GCU students to enhance all aspects of their student experience. This means that we represent all students studying at GCU to the university, within the local community and nationally to the Scottish and UK governments, through the National Union of Students (NUS). We are a membership-led organisation that works to make the lives of GCU students better.
When our elected Full Time Officers don’t directly represent GCU students, we work to support our members to take on representative or campaigning roles to represent other students. We support Liberation and Representation Officers, the GCU London Rep, School Officers, Class Reps and volunteers to improve the GCU student experience. We also want to encourage our individual members to be empowered to make things better and campaign for change within their local communities.
Find out more about our Mission, Vision and Values: www.GCUstudents.co.uk/aboutus
Many of the campaigns that we run, or that we support students to run, originate from Ideas generated by our members. When you see something that you want to change at GCU then we suggest that you submit an Idea to us at the Students’ Association which can be the starting point for the change that you want to see.
Some changes are simple and we can make these happen quickly just by getting in touch with the right person. Other changes may require more work to be done and can be the starting point for a campaign. This is where this Toolkit comes in – to be your guide to running a campaign to make the change that you want to see.
By submitting an Idea, it also makes us aware of what you want to do and so we can offer support and suggest it gets taken forward within the Students’ Association where it can be adopted as our official stance.
For more information about Ideas and how to submit them: www.GCUstudents.co.uk/ideas
Running campaigns
As a campaigning organisation, our Full Time Officers will campaign and lobby on behalf of our membership - the students at GCU - on a variety of issues. However, as a membership organisation we want to support our members to develop and run their own campaigns on issues that matter to them. That is why we have developed our Campaigns Toolkit - a document that will help you successfully plan your own campaign. Once you have planned your campaign and completed a Campaign Plan using our Campaign Planning Chart you can also apply for funding to help with whatever you need to make your campaign successful.
The Campaigns Toolkit and other resources are available below:
All students at Glasgow Caledonian University are automatically members of GCU Students' Association.
This membership is free for current GCU students.
GCU Students' Association, 70 Cowcaddens Road, Glasgow, G4 0BA.
Tel: 0141 331 3886 | Email: hello@GCUstudents.co.uk | Messenger: m.me/GCUstudents