Page:Aiebee-Iberedem Tim
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Aiebee-Iberedem Tim


Hello, I am Aiebee-Iberedem Tim, a unique student leader with strong advocacy skills for students’ voices.

I am the International Students’ Officer 2023/2024, a member of the Student Voice and University Senate, and a member of the Rotaract Club. I am best known for my outspoken and selfless character.

I have an excellent understanding of GCU Student Life and the University's needs through my practical engagement with the Students’ Association and the University. I believe my experiences best fit the Student President.

My Leadership as Student President will encourage:

Diversity and Inclusion

  • Dedicated to creating an inclusive campus.
  • Actively introduce/support initiatives celebrating diversity, including cultural events, awareness campaigns, and collaborations with all student groups.
  • Work with the university to allow cultural/traditional dishes to celebrate GCU’s diverse cultures and ethnicities.

Student Engagement:

  • Enhance students' involvement in decision-making processes through regular open forums/discussions for students to express their concerns, ideas, and aspirations.
  • Run an Officer-Student interaction instead of the regular Student-Officer.
  • Give students a Co-lead Responsibility.
  • Introduce a student’s suggestion/idea box.

Student Well-being:

  • Advocate for enhanced mental health resources and disability awareness ensuring every student has access to the support they need.
  • Create new and improve on already existing wellness programs for work-life balance.
  • Advocate for more Students with Disability and Women-centred activities.
  • Work with the University to further ease the accommodation challenges for International Students.
  • Work with the University to create more on-campus part-time jobs for Students.

Academic Excellence:

  • Collaborate with GCU schools to improve teaching methods and ensure good academic performance.
  • Work on initiatives to provide additional academic resources outside the regular classroom fostering an environment for intellectual growth.

Your vote for Aiebee-Iberedem Tim as Student President will shape our university experience to empower, inspire, and always unite us all.

All students at Glasgow Caledonian University are automatically members of GCU Students' Association.
This membership is free for current GCU students.



GCU Students' Association, 70 Cowcaddens Road, Glasgow, G4 0BA.

Tel: 0141 331 3886 | Email: | Messenger: