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Mark Trainer

Vote for Mark Trainer.
My name is Mark, a 4th year BSc Computing student from Glasgow. I have the skills and knowledge to represent students as an FTO that I have gained from my diverse experiences across various roles, from several society committee positions and a post on the societies council to working at GCU as a Student Volunteer.

If elected I will campaign on the following things:

A More Social Campus

I will pursue creating more social opportunities for students on campus. University should be a place that facilitates more than an academic environment. Societies and Clubs are a cornerstone of social and recreational aspects of student life. The goal is to support them to deliver a better student experience for all.

Better Communication

No more missing out. If there is something happening at GCU that may interest, or be important to you then you should hear about it. Currently, it is the case that many students find out about events only after they have finished. It is frustrating and fosters apathy among the student population. It will be a priority of mine to work with the relevant parties to improve communication with students to ensure they are getting the most out of attending GCU.

Vote Mark Trainer as your choice for FTO.

All students at Glasgow Caledonian University are automatically members of GCU Students' Association.
This membership is free for current GCU students.



GCU Students' Association, 70 Cowcaddens Road, Glasgow, G4 0BA.

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