Page:Risk Assessments
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Risk Assessments

Risk Assessments

Some of the activities and events that you organise will require you to complete a risk assessment before it can happen, this is to minimise the risk of accidents and incidents occuring. The below infographic will help you decide if your event or activity requires the completion of a risk assessment. 


The blank and example risk assessments shown below are for you to use to create and submit your own risk assessment before an activity or event, guidance is given on each form on how to complete this process. 

Blank Risk Assessment Form

Sub Crawl Risk Assessment

Pub Crawl Risk Assessment

Fundraising on Campus Risk Assessment 

Re:Union Bar & Grill - Event Risk Assessment

Gazebo Risk Assessment

Bake Sale Risk Assessment - Before you are allowed to have a Bake Sale within the Students' Association Building you must have completed a Risk Assessment that includes the named individual who has a Food Hygiene Certificate. Please note that each Club, Society or Group is limited to one bake sale per academic year.

Please contact, if you are an affiliated club, society or group and need help in completing your risk assessment.

Online Activities

Our insurance provider stipulates for online activities that “no activities should take place which need close supervision to ensure the safety of members” and that “each individual should be aware that they are responsible for ensuring their home environment is suitable and safe for the activity they are engaging in”.

External Speakers

Under Charity Law the Students' Association has a legal responsibility to understand the potential risks of all its activities, including risks associated with external speakers. An External Speaker is any individual or organisation who is not a student or staff member at GCU or GCU Students' Association. All events with external speakers attending, whether on or off campus, are still within the responsibility (and liability) of the Students' Association. This is why we ask you about external speakers when booking a room on campus. If you are hosting an external speaker at an online event, or an event off campus please request approval via this form External Speaker Approval Form 


Talk to us if your sports club, society or group will be working with children or vulnerable adults, either directly or by working with another charity or organisation. A child is anyone under 18 years of age.‘Vulnerable adults’ are defined as anyone over 16 years of age who is unable to safeguard themselves, their property and their rights. We will help you risk assessment this activity and ensure any safeguards are in place.

All students at Glasgow Caledonian University are automatically members of GCU Students' Association.
This membership is free for current GCU students.



GCU Students' Association, 70 Cowcaddens Road, Glasgow, G4 0BA.

Tel: 0141 331 3886 | Email: | Messenger: