Page:Extreme and Exceptional Extenuating Circumstances (EEEC)
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What are "Extreme and Exceptional Extenuating Circumstances" (EEEC)?


As outlined in the GCU FIt to Sit Policy there are 2 scenarios in which you can apply for Extreme and Exceptional Extenuating Circumstances in order to ask to preserve your attempts at assessments you were not able to undertake due to serious personal/medical circumstances:

  1. If you were not able to attempt your assessments OR complete the Fit to Sit declaration forms* to request that you preserve and defer your attempt at the time of your assessment dates due to serious personal or medical issues or events that prevented you from engaging with GCU** until after the window for applying for Fit to Sit had passed
  2. You have already used Fit to Sit to preserve an attempt at your assessment but you experience extreme personal/medical circumstances during the next assessment diet/period that prevent you from engaging with your assessments

*Students not having completed Fit to Sit applications at the appropriate time due to any other reason, e.g. not having been aware of the process/timescale, or whilst you remained engaged with university in other ways (in particular attending classes and/or submitting other assessments in the same time period) would NOT meet the criteria for a successful EEEC application.

**The GCU guidance defines engagement with GCU as including checking and responding to your GCU emails, accessing GCU Learn and attending online or in person classes and placement activities for any modules, not just those you are applying for EEEC against.  


When and how do I apply?

Under scenario 1 above: 

  • as soon as you are able to re-engage with the university you are expected to contact your personal tutor, year lead or programme leader to make them aware of your circumstances and get guidance on applying for EEEC.   The deadline for doing so is 3 weeks from the date that you were able to re-engage with the university after a period of disengagement.

Whilst there is no set deadline for applying other than the maximum period of registration for your course, you must make contact with your programme team within 3 weeks of re-engagement with university and apply for EEEC with guidance as soon as possible.  You can check the maximum period of registration regulations in the GCU Assessment Regulations, Section 7 – linked here.

Under scenario 2:

  • deadline for applying for EEEC where you have previously used Fit to Sit and you have been unable to attempt at the next diet due to serious personal/medical circumstances is the end of the Trimester Exam Diet (see link for the GCU Academic Calendar which includes these dates - as does the EEEC form).


In both scenarios you are required on the EEEC form to state the dates between which you were unable to engage with the university (at all, as outlined above) due to your adverse circumstances and to provide formal evidence to cover this period.

There is a requirement to attach formal evidence of the personal/medical issues that have impacted on you/your assessments and/or prevented you from declaring under Fit to Sit at the relevant periods. 

Applications in both scenarios need to be made using the online EEEC application form on the GCU website here.

The application will be considered by your Head of Department and Associate Dean of Learning, Teaching and Quality.


Important Points to Note

  • Unlike the Fit to Sit declaration forms, one single EEEC form should be completed and submitted to cover all of the assessments that you wish to be considered.

  • There is a requirement that you provide documentary evidence to corroborate the dates that you were not able to engage with the university or use the Fit to Sit declaration forms as well as the circumstances that led to this period of disengagment.

  • This evidence “…must normally be independent and verifiable, such as a letter or certificate from a GP or other medical professional or other appropriate third-party evidence.” 

                      It cannot be a personal statement from family or friends or similar.   

  • Evidence must also be in English, with the responsibility for any translation required being that of the student making the application.  Where this applies the original document and a verified translation must be provided with the application.

  • You evidence must be uploaded to the form as a JPEG or .pdf document and document names must include your student ID.

  • It is very important that you are prepared before you start the application with the accurate module and module leader information for each of the module assessments you are including.

  • For each of the individual module assessments you are applying to be considered you need to have the following information to input on the form: 

  • Module Code

  • Module Title

  • Module Leader

  • Module Leader’s email address

  • Date of assessment/coursework hand-in

  • It is crucial that you check that the above information (for EACH ASSESSMENT) is accurate and that it is inputted into the form accurately as it states on the form that if there are mistakes then this may result in your application not being considered. 

  • If you leave off an assessment (for example if there are 2 assessments for one module and you only include details for 1) then this will not be considered and you will not retain your attempt at any assessment not detailed on the form.

  • The information you provide on your EEEC application will be shared with the Student Wellbeing Team to ensure that support can be offered to you.  If you do not want this to happen you can decline referral to the Student Wellbeing Team on the form.

  • In order to access the online form to submit your EEEC application you will need to login with your GCU user credentials.

  • There is a maximum number of preserved attempts at any assessment of 2 (including Fit to Sit and/or EEEC applications).  After this the usual attempt numbers will start to run down irrespective of further circumstances. 

How the Advice Centre can help

If you are considering making an application for EEEC please contact the Advice Centre to talk it over with a student adviser.

We can listen to your individual circumstances and give confidential advice to ensure that you fully understand any potential unforeseen impacts this application could have on you.

If you decide to go ahead we can provide practical advice and support with following the policy, and support afterwards.

Click here to contact a student adviser using our webform (we aim to respond within 2 working days) or by phone or drop in (Monday to Friday, 9am-5pm).


Where can I find out more?

Full details on Fit to Sit and EEEC, including a guide for students, link to the GCU Fit to Sit Policy and FAQs are available from the GCU website at

The Fit to Sit Policy (including policy on EEEC) is available here -



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