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Sports Awards

Each year the Students' Association presents Sports Awards to GCU students for performance and voluntary contribution to sport. The awards are peer-nominated and each award is decided by an Awards Committee. The awards are presented at the annual Sports Ball in April.

Information on awards and criteria is available on the nomination forms below.

Nomination Forms


Certificates award to any volunteer committee members

you believe has given outstanding service to your club.

You can nominate as many of your committee members

as you want.

A trophy presented to the best volunteer from all the


A trophy presented to the best 1st year student.

A trophy presented to the best student volunteer coach.

A trophy presented to the club with the most outstanding

year of activity.

A trophy presented to the club with the most outstanding

year compared to the previous (active) year.

A certificate to recognise the sporting achievements of

individual club members. Only includes sports

performances since 31st March 2023.

A trophy presented to the student with the most

outstanding sporting performance of the year. 

Only includes sports performances since 31st March 2023.

A trophy presented to the sports club with the most

outstanding sporting performance of the year.


All students at Glasgow Caledonian University are automatically members of GCU Students' Association.
This membership is free for current GCU students.



GCU Students' Association, 70 Cowcaddens Road, Glasgow, G4 0BA.

Tel: 0141 331 3886 | Email: | Messenger: