Page:International Women's Day
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International Women's Day

Thursday 08-03-2018 - 11:30
Iwd logo portaiteps

Today, 8th March, is International Women's Day (IWD); a worldwide celebration of the equality movement for women's rights. This year, a global campaign known as "#PressforProgress" is contributing to the worldwide focus of reducing gender inequality whether that is through the elimination of the gender pay gap or discrimination; allowing equal opportunities for advancement in education and employment; or creating policies which safeguard women's rights such as voting and maternity.

GCU and GCU Students' Association are committed to ensuring that all staff and students are treated with equality, dignity and respect - something which is reflected through the ethos across campus of being the "University for the Common Good" and everyone having the opportunity to "Be part of something...Bigger".

So, on this momentous day, take the opportunity to pause and reflect on the achievements made by women across the world - whether it's a mother, grandmother, sister, friend, colleague, lecturer, etc. and the ongoing work to ensure that equality for all is achieved.

Want to know more? Why not join the Women's group here at GCU Students' Association. Additionally, exercise your right to vote in our Student Elections as 2018 marks the 100 year anniversary of women having their right to vote reinstated within the UK.



Related Tags :

#pressforprogress, campaigns, equality, gender, international women's day, liberation, women,

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