Page:Inter trimester Break
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Inter trimester Break

by Anonymous 12 October 2021, 13:11

Category: Glasgow Caledonian University

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7 Dislikes

One week break between week 6 and week 7 during each trimester.

Can start freshers week a week before scheduled in order to ensure trimester finishes at usual time


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    Aspen Milledge   wrote, 06-07-2022 - 03:13

    I think this is a great idea! I find this period of time is when students are needing some extra time to catch up without falling behind.

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    Peter Scheibenhoffer   wrote, 03-11-2022 - 08:06

    Some of the modules' structure is like this: Week 7 - Revision and pause for feedback Please consider, if lecturers are not available on that week, you cannot ask for help if you struggle with your studies. Also, it means a shorter summer holiday.

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