Page:GCU East African Student Society
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GCU East African Student Society

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1. Social and Networking: Many student clubs aim to provide a social and networking platform for students who share a common interest, hobby, or background. These clubs facilitate interaction and friendship among like-minded individuals.

2.Skill Development: Some clubs focus on skill development by offering workshops, training sessions, or hands-on experiences related to their specific area of interest, helping members acquire new skills or hone existing ones.

3.Academic Support: Academic clubs may aim to provide resources and support for students in a particular academic discipline or major, such as study groups, tutoring, or access to academic materials.

4.Community Service and Volunteerism: Clubs with a community service or volunteerism focus aim to engage students in projects and activities that benefit the local community, nation, or even the global community. These clubs promote social responsibility and civic engagement.

5.Cultural Exchange and Diversity: Clubs centered around cultural or diversity appreciation aim to create an inclusive environment that celebrates different cultures, traditions, and backgrounds. They often organize events, festivals, and discussions to foster understanding and promote diversity.


Membership Fee: £0


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All students at Glasgow Caledonian University are automatically members of GCU Students' Association.
This membership is free for current GCU students.



GCU Students' Association, 70 Cowcaddens Road, Glasgow, G4 0BA.

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