Page:We win NUS Scotland Diversity Award 2017
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We win NUS Scotland Diversity Award 2017

Saturday 25-03-2017 - 13:23
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We are delighted to announce that we won the Diversity Award at the NUS Scotland Awards 2017 yesterday at the NUS Scotland Conference. 

The Students' Association is part of the GCU Student Carers working group, which aims to ensure the correct support is in place for students with caring responsibilities, and has worked in partnership with the University to produce a Student Carer Policy and Plan to support these students during their studies. 

Kevin Campbell, Vice President, GCU Students' Association, said: "We are delighted to have won the NUS Scotland Diversity Award for our work to support student carers. This project emphasises not only our commitment to student carers who attend GCU, but also the strong partnership working between the University and the Students' Association. This national recognition stands testament to the outstanding work done by everyone involved."


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