Page:GCU Student Mindfulness Taster Session and 8 Week Course
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GCU Student Mindfulness Taster Session and 8 Week Course

Friday 28-09-2018 - 15:53

Throughout the course of Trimester A Glasgow Caledonian University will be providing a free mindfulness course for students!

Mindfulness meditation offers simple yet powerful techniques that can be incorporated into our daily lives to help us cope with stress and increase feelings of contentment, and numerous studies have found that regular practitioners can experience:

> A decrease in anxiety, low mood and irritability

> Better and more fulfilling relationships

> Lower levels of stress

> A reduction in the impact of serious conditions such as chronic pain

> An improved immune system

Interested in learning more about mindfulness?

Why not attend the taster session on Wednesday the 3rd of October, at 1-2:30 pm in room A426F?


Want to take part in the 8-week course?

The 8-week course will be facilitated by GCU staff members Pearse McCusker and Duncan Thomson, both of whom are experienced meditators and qualified mindfulness teachers. There will be a maximum of 20 people in the group, with the sessions occurring weekly for 90 minutes (with a short break).  Sessions will be spent doing guided mindfulness practices and sharing experiences of these.  

A typical practice might involve paying attention to your breath as it flows in and out of your body.  A lot of people practice sitting on chairs, but mats and cushions will also be provided to lie or sit on.  No special clothing is required - wear whatever you feel comfortable in. Group members will also be encouraged to practice mindfulness exercises between group sessions.


 Previous participants have said that:

"This course has helped me so much with keeping stress down and getting  through coursework".  

"Had a positive impact on me because now I have a tool which can help me deal with anxiety or nerves.  I feel happier just knowing that."

"Transformed my way of looking at things"


The eight-week course starts Wednesday the 10th October, in room A426F between 1 and 2:30pm each week, please get in touch with us at the contacts below if you’re interested or have any questions!

Pearse McCusker  -

Duncan Thomson -

Rachel Simpson –



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