Page:Registration Process
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Problems registering?

We hope the following questions and answers will help you register on our website.

If you are a GCU student you do not need to register for an account, please use the student login and enter your GCU username and password. Guests (including GCU staff and Life Members) can register here.


Any user can download their event tickets.


Email Preferences

GCU students can update their email preferences.

Guests can update their email preferences.

Any user can also change your email preferences for any Sports Clubs, Societies or Student Groups.

Resend instruction mails

Didn't receive activation instructions?
click here to receive activation instruction mail again

Didn't receive unlock instructions?
click here to receive unlock instruction mail again


Here are our most frequently asked questions...

GCU Students:

If you are a student you do not need to register but use your GCU username and password to login.Your username is printed on your Student card. Example of a student username: JSMITH299. If you are a student and are having problems logging in please click here for support information.


If you are having problems registering your guest account please contact us at clearly stating you are having issues registering a guest account.

GCU Students:

GCU students log into our website using their GCU username and password. Your username is printed on your Student card. Example of a student username: JSMITH299. If you are a student and are having problems logging in please click here for support information. This site includes information on how to change your password.


Please contact our Welcome Desk on 0141 331 3886 or email


If you are a student please click here for support information to help unlock your account.


You can unlock your account by clicking here 

GCU Students:

If you are a student please click here for support information.


Please contact our Welcome Desk on 0141 331 3886 or email

If you have questions about our website then contact our Welcome Desk on 0141 331 3886 or email

0141 331 3886

Glasgow Office

GCU Students' Association, Students' Association Building, 70 Cowcaddens Road, G4 0BA

London Office

GCU London, 40 Fashion Street, Spitalfields, London, E1 6PX

All students at Glasgow Caledonian University are automatically members of GCU Students' Association.
This membership is free for current GCU students.



GCU Students' Association, 70 Cowcaddens Road, Glasgow, G4 0BA.

Tel: 0141 331 3886 | Email: | Messenger: